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From my first telephone enquiry, answered and discussed with a very clear, informative reception lady, I had quite a measure of confidence that my termite situation would be dealt with positively. The previous telephone enquiries I made were much less so (One was a prominent company name).

Thank You Simon for you professional evaluation and information, also the men who did the work. I was glad for the information given during the inspection for dampness. With Michael’s explanation of termites, I was able to remember when I had noticed unusual insects (so I thought) that had dropped thousands of wings on the damp side of my house one summer about six years ago.

I will be recommending your business to people in conversation

We have exported 90000 tonnes of rice in nine shipments to Japan this year, with Exopest playing a vital role in the process … [Exopest] needs to be congratulated on doing a great job in time and under constant pressure. On behalf of Ricegrowers’ please accept my appreciation of your achievement.

Mr Graeme Whytcross Victorian Distribution Manager Ricegrowers’ Co-operative Ltd